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电话: 0523-89160108
传真: 052389160168
姓名: alice ni
jiangsu tianwang solar technology co.,ltd

  jiangsu tianwang solar technology co.,ltd Company, founded in 1990, produces high-voltage electric products, namely, professional Tianwang Electric Mosquito Swatter, High-voltage Generator, Firing Generator, and Electric Safety *域名隐藏* the past 20 years, we have been persisting in the spirit that fine quality, science and technology, unity, cooperation, developing as well as enterprising are significant for our survival and development. Remorseless training of the staff already working

主要产品/业务: mosquito swatter,bug zapper ,stun gun ,pepper spary ,solar flashlight

jiangsu tianwang solar technology co.,ltd / 江苏 / NO.9,Xingye Road ,Development Zone,Jingjiang City Jiangsu China. (21450) / 电话:0523-89160108

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